Additional trains for Henley Royal Regatta
First Great Western are running additional trains for the duration of the Henley Regatta 2015.
Henley Regatta 2015
First Great Western are running additional trains for the duration of the Henley Regatta 2015. To view the revised timetable, click here.
In the meantime real-time running information can be found at
With up to 60,000 people expected to make the CREWcial train journey to and from Henley Royal Regatta during the five-day regatta services are expected to be busy, with some 12,500 alone expected to travel this Saturday 5 July.
Over sixty daily additional services are to be provided Wednesday to Saturday, with 55 additional trains on the final Sunday, offering over 90,000 extra Port and Starboard seats.
Waking you up before you go Row, Henley-on-Thames Station Manager, David Pinder, said:
"We are delighted to be able to provide these additional services, in support of the Henley Royal Regatta.
“While our friendly and approachable staff will be on hand to help keep people moving, I would urge customers to allow time for their journeys, as some passengers may not be able to board their first choice train.”